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Carnegie Embryo #9325 | Location: 25-3-2
Keywords: T-11 / T-12 intervertebral disc, T-11 spinal ganglion, allantois, aorta, caudal edge of left lobe of liver, duodenum (second part), gonad, head of pancreas, hepatic portal vein, inferior vena cava, kidney (metanephros), latissimus dorsi muscle, left subcardinal vein, left umbilical artery, lesser sac, mesonephric duct, mesonephros, midpoint of midgut, neural arch, omphalomesenteric vessels, right lobe of liver, right umbilical artery, splenic vein, subarachnoid space, superior mesenteric artery, umbilical coelom, umbilical vein, wall of stomach
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.