Keywords: accessory nerve (CN XI), alar plate(s), anterior commissure region, basal plate, basilar artery, central canal, decussation, endolymphatic duct, glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX), hippocampus, hypothalamus, insula of cerebral hemisphere, internal carotid artery, jugular foramen, junction of anterior semicircular duct and utricle, lateral ventricular eminence (telencephalon), medial ventricular eminence (diencephalon), medulla oblongata, middle cerebral artery, oculomotor nerve (CN III), optic groove, posterior semicircular duct, region of cervical flexure, root of trigeminal nerve (CN V), sulcus limitans, trochlear nerve (CN IV), tuberal part of adenohypophysis, utricle, vagus nerve (CN X), vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.