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Carnegie Embryo #9325 | Location: 25-1-2
Keywords: T-11 spinal ganglion, allantois, aorta, common bile duct, ductus venosus, gall bladder, gonad, hepatic portal vein, iliocostalis muscle, inferior vena cava, left lobe of liver, left umbilical artery, lesser splanchnic nerve, longissimus muscle, lumen of body of stomach, lumen of pyloric antrum of stomach, mesonephric duct, mesonephros, omphalomesenteric vessels, quadrate lobe of liver, rib 11, right lobe of liver, right umbilical artery, spinalis muscle, splenic vein, superior mesenteric artery, suprarenal gland medulla, sympathetic trunk, umbilical coelom, umbilical vein
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.