Keywords: T-4 dorsal primary ramus, T-4 intercostal nerve, T-4 spinal ganglion, azygos vein, coronary sinus, edge of vascular plexus, extensor compartment of arm, flexor compartment of arm, frontal prominence, head of humerus, horizontal fissure, inferior tertiary bronchus, inferior tertiary bronchus of left lung, left atrioventricular (mitral) valve, left pulmonary vein, left ventricle, lower lobe of left lung, mammary gland, marginal vein, middle lobe of right lung, muscular part of interventricular septum, oblique fissure, phrenic nerve, primary bronchus of right lung, radius, right venous valve, right ventricle, superior tertiary bronchus of left lung, upper lobe of left lung, upper lobe of right lung, upper secondary bronchus of left lung
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.