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Boyd Embryo #H983 | Location: 159-1-1
Keywords: T-12 spinal ganglion, allantois, amnion on surface of umbilical cord, aorta, artifact(s), body of pancreas, central canal, cephalic edge of kidney (metanephros), cephalic edge of left knee, duodenum (third part), external abdominal oblique muscle, internal abdominal oblique muscle, left umbilical artery, lesser sac (omental bursa), mesentery, mesonephros, muscularis of stomach, neural arch, proximal limb of herniated midgut, right lobe of liver, right umbilical artery, subcostal nerve (T-12), superior mesenteric ganglion, suprarenal gland cortex, transversus abdominis muscle
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.