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Carnegie Embryo #9226 | Location: 172-01-01
Keywords: T-12 / L-1 interganglion region, allantoic vesicle(s), aorta, body of dorsal pancreas, colon, descending part of duodenum, edge of ascending part of duodenum, edge of right umbilical artery, gall bladder, greater curvature of stomach, head of ventral pancreas, herniated intestines, inferior vena cava, jejunum, kidney (metanephros), left lobe of liver, left umbilical artery, lesser sac (omental bursa), midpoint of midgut (ileum), notochord, right lobe of liver, superior mesenteric artery, superior mesenteric vein, superior pole of kidney (metanephros), sympathetic trunk, umbilical coelom, umbilical cord, umbilical vein, umbilical vesicle stalk
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.