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Carnegie Stage Section
 <   >  search results: trapezoid Search   20-201 22-1089 23-96
T-1 spinal ganglion, T-1 spinal nerve, axillary artery, axillary lymph sac, coracoid process of scapula, distal interphalangeal joint of digit 3 (middle finger), edge of left pleural cavity, edge of right pleural cavity, esophagus, extensor tendons, glenohumeral joint, interosseus muscle, left brachiocephalic vein, left lobe of thymus gland, manubrium of sternum, proximal interphalangeal joint of digit 2, rhomboid minor muscle, rib 1, right brachiocephalic vein, trapezius muscle, trapezoid, white matter
0 μm
Carnegie Embryo #9226   |   Location: 96-01-01

Keywords: T-1 spinal ganglion, T-1 spinal nerve, axillary artery, axillary lymph sac, coracoid process of scapula, distal interphalangeal joint of digit 3 (middle finger), edge of left pleural cavity, edge of right pleural cavity, esophagus, extensor tendons, glenohumeral joint, interosseus muscle, left brachiocephalic vein, left lobe of thymus gland, manubrium of sternum, proximal interphalangeal joint of digit 2, rhomboid minor muscle, rib 1, right brachiocephalic vein, trapezius muscle, trapezoid, white matter

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.