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anterior dural vein, caudal edge of ultimopharyngeal pouch, dermatomyotome 5 (C-1), dorsal thalamus (diencephalon), internal carotid artery, mandibular prominence of pharyngeal arch 1, maxillary prominence of pharyngeal arch 1, oral fissure, origin of intersegmental artery from dorsal aorta, pericardial cavity, precardinal vein, prosencoel (third ventricle), tracheo-esophageal tube, truncus arteriosus, ventral thalamus (diencephalon)
0 μm
Carnegie Embryo #836   |   Location: 05-02-06

Keywords: anterior dural vein, caudal edge of ultimopharyngeal pouch, dermatomyotome 5 (C-1), dorsal thalamus (diencephalon), internal carotid artery, mandibular prominence of pharyngeal arch 1, maxillary prominence of pharyngeal arch 1, oral fissure, origin of intersegmental artery from dorsal aorta, pericardial cavity, precardinal vein, prosencoel (third ventricle), tracheo-esophageal tube, truncus arteriosus, ventral thalamus (diencephalon)

Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.