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Carnegie Embryo #9226 | Location: 109-01-01
Keywords: T-3 / T-4 interganglion region, aorta, capitulum of humerus, central canal of spinal cord, dorsal median septum, forearm extensor muscles, forearm flexor muscles, head of radius, hemisternum, humeroradial joint, humerus, intermediate phalynx of digit 4 (ring finger), left atrium, left pulmonary artery, pulmonary semilunar valve, pulmonary trunk, rib 3 (costal cartilage), rib 4, right atrium, right pulmonary artery, right ventricle, sinus venarum, superior vena cava, sympathetic trunk, triceps brachii muscle, ulna, ulnar nerve, upper lobe of left lung, upper lobe of right lung, ventral median septum
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.