![amnion attachment, cephalic edge of dermatomyotome 2 (O-2), dorsal aorta, dorsal intersegmental artery, junction of common cardinal veins, left horn of sinus venosus, midgut, notochord, pericardioperitoneal canal (pleural cavity), rhombencephalon (Rh. D), right horn of sinus venosus, sclerotome](/drem/stage11/Z0/S154N.jpg)
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Carnegie Embryo #6344 | Location: 03-07-10
Keywords: amnion attachment, cephalic edge of dermatomyotome 2 (O-2), dorsal aorta, dorsal intersegmental artery, junction of common cardinal veins, left horn of sinus venosus, midgut, notochord, pericardioperitoneal canal (pleural cavity), rhombencephalon (Rh. D), right horn of sinus venosus, sclerotome
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.