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Carnegie Embryo #6517 | Location: 14-01-01
Keywords: C-2 spinal ganglion, copula of tongue, dorsal sulcus, edge of neural layer of retina, epithalamus, extra-ocular premuscle mass, hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), hypopharyngeal eminence of tongue, inferior ganglion of vagus nerve (CN X), internal carotid artery, intraretinal space (optic vesicle cavity), lateral lingual swelling of tongue, marginal ridge, middle sulcus, oronasal cavity, pharyngeal groove 1, pharyngeal pouch 1, pharyngeal pouch 2, spinal accessory nerve (CN XI), sternocleidomastoid / trapezius premuscle mass, thyroglossal duct, tuberculum impar, ventral (hypothalamic) sulcus
Source: The Virtual Human Embryo.