English epidemiologist David Barker and his associates at the University of Southampton discovered much of what is known about the lifelong impact of early growth and development. Their pioneering work has ushered in a new field of medicine and a whole new way of promoting health and preventing disease.
"Fetal programming" is the phrase often used to describe permanent changes resulting from the prenatal environment.21
Before and/or during pregnancy...
When a mother lacks: | …Then her baby is more likely to develop: |
Folic acid | Spina bifida,22 preterm birth23 |
Iodine | Brain damage,24 hypothyroidism25 |
Vitamin D | Osteoporosis26 |
Vitamin E | Asthma27 |
During pregnancy...
When a mother: | …Then her baby is more likely to develop: |
Experiences excess stress and anxiety | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and anxiety28 |
Smokes cigarettes | ADHD,29 conduct disorder,30 obesity,31 diabetes,32 heart disease,33 preterm birth,34 stillbirth,35 SIDS*36 |
Drinks alcohol | Fetal Alcohol Syndrome,37 alcohol abuse,38 conduct disorder,39 ADHD,40 preterm birth41 |
*Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
It is important to keep in mind that, although these prenatal factors increase the risk of certain complications, they in no way guarantee that any complication will occur.
Anyone who experienced a less-than-ideal pregnancy should not panic or lose hope. Even if a problem develops, most are treatable and many have other risk factors that can be modified to minimize risk. The good news is that new ways to minimize long-term consequences have already been discovered.42
Nevertheless, given the many associations between prenatal events and lifelong health that have been reported worldwide, it is imperative to do all we can to improve women's health and nutrition starting long before pregnancy and during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
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