A | adductor muscles (1), anal canal (4), anterior basal segmental bronchus (2), anterior communicating artery (6), anterior segmental bronchus (2), apex of upper lobe of left lung (1), apical segmental bronchus (4), arytenoid condensation (2), auricle of left atrium (16), auricle of right atrium (15), axillary vein (2) |
B | base of urinary bladder (1), biceps brachii muscle (5), bifurcation of common carotid artery (1), blastema of extensor tendon (1), blastema of facial muscle (4), blastema of medial rectus muscle (2), blastema of proximal phalynx (foot) (7), blastemata of adductor muscles (1), blastemata of extensor muscles of foot (1), blastemata of flexor muscles of foot (1), blastemata of gluteal muscles (1), blastemata of strap muscles of neck (2), body of dorsal pancreas (9), body of hyoid (pharyngeal arch 3 cartilage) (12) |
C | C-2 vertebra (axis) (2), C-8 / T-1 intervertebral disc (1), capitate (6), capitulum of humerus (3), cardiac portion of stomach (3), carpometacarpal joint (2), caudal edge of eyeball (1), caudal edge of junction of duodenum and jejunum (1), caudal edge of left digit 2 (index finger) (1), caudal edge of proximal limb of herniated midgut (3), caudal edge of umbilical coelom (2), caudal end of filum terminale (1), caudal end of sacrum (1), caudal segment of left precardinal vein (3), centrum of L-5 vertebra (2), centrum of S-1 vertebra (cephalic edge of sacrum) (2), centrum of T-10 vertebra (1), centrum of T-11 vertebra (2), cephalic edge of dens of C-2 vertebra (axis) (2), cephalic edge of penis (3), cephalic edge of right foot (1), cephalic edge of testis (3), cephalic edge of umbilical vein (1), cephalic end of basilar artery (2), cephalic vein (2), cerebral vessels (1), Co-1 / Co-2 intervertebral region (4), Co-2 / Co-3 intervertebral region (3), Co-3 / Co-4 intervertebral region (1), commissure of superior colliculus (11), common fibular nerve (8), coracoid process of scapula (8), corpus cavernosum (6), crista galli (6) |
D | dens of C-2 vertebra (axis) (9), descending part of duodenum (second part) (6), diaphragm (29), digit 1 (thumb) (3), digit 2 (index finger) (4), digit 3 (middle finger) (4), digit 4 (ring finger) (1), digit 5 (little finger) (4), digital ray (4), digital ray of left foot (1), distal end of femur (1), distal part of adenohypophysis (3), dorsal funiculus (28), dorsum of right foot (4), dorsum of tongue (4), dorsum sellae region (1), dural limiting membrane (17), dural venous sinus (5) |
E | ear ossicle (2), edge of adenohypophysis (1), edge of basilar artery (2), edge of buttox region (2), edge of choroid plexus (8), edge of clavicle (1), edge of conjunctival sac (1), edge of cranial cavity (2), edge of ependymal diverticulum of rhombencoel (fourth ventricle) (1), edge of femur (1), edge of interpeduncular fossa (1), edge of lateral recess of rhombencoel (fourth ventricle) (3), edge of left foot (1), edge of left lobe of thymus gland (1), edge of left naris (1), edge of lens (3), edge of nasal ectoderm (2), edge of omphalomesenteric artery (1), edge of optic cup cavity (2), edge of palatine shelf (1), edge of pharyngeal arch 1 cartilage (Meckel) (1), edge of pharynx (1), edge of pubis (1), edge of pyloric antrum of stomach (1), edge of radius (2), edge of right foot (3), edge of scapula (2), edge of subarachnoid space (2), edge of umbilical cord (3), endoderm lining (1), endoderm lining of stomach (mucosa) (2), epididymis (6), epithelial plug in naris (11), epithelial plug in right naris (1), esophageal hiatus (2), esophagus lumen (4), extensor tendon of foot (1), external intercostal muscle(s) (10) |
F | fasciculus cuneatus (7), fasciculus gracilis (7), fibula (29), flexor digitorum tendon in palm region (1), floor of diencephalon (1), foramen magnum region (3), foramen ovale (2), frenulum of tongue (4) |
G | geniohyoid muscle (9), glans penis (5), gluteus maximus muscle (33), grey matter (11), gubernaculum of testis (20) |
H | habenulo-interpeduncular tract (1), hamate (7), head of rib 12 (5), head of ulna (3), head of ventral pancreas (14), hindgut (colon) (9) |
I | iliac crest (7), inferior alveolar nerve (7), inferior pole of kidney (metanephros) (5), inferior vena cava (sacrocardinal vein) (2), inferior vena cava (subcardinal vein) (4), infra-orbital nerve (5), infra-orbital region (1), infraglottic cavity (4), inguinal canal region (1), intermediate phalynx of digit 4 (ring finger) (3), intermediate zone of cerebral vesicle (1), internal iliac vessels (1), internal jugular vein (67), interpeduncular nucleus (5), ischiorectal fossa (7) |
J | jejunum (27), junction of central canal and obex (1), junction of cerebral aqueduct and rhombencoel (fourth ventricle) (2), junction of dorsal root and spinal cord (2), junction of duodenum and jejunum (2), junction of hepatic veins and inferior vena cava (3), junction of hypothalamic sulcus and sulcus limitans (1), junction of inferior vena cava and right atrium (1), junction of rectum and sigmoid colon (2), junction of sinus venosus and superior vena cava (1), junction of ureter and urinary bladder (1) |
L | L-5 dorsal root (2), laryngeal aperture (1), laryngeal cartilage (2), lateral basal segmental bronchus (2), lateral condyle of tibia (3), lateral cord of brachial plexus (1), lateral epicondyle of femur (1), lateral funiculus (29), lateral pectoral nerve (1), lateral segmental bronchus (1), lateral ventricular eminence (telencephalon) (44), left lobe of thymus gland (9), left naris (1), left posterior intercostal artery (1), longus cervicis muscle (11), loose connective tissue (23), lower lip (7) |
M | malleus cartilage (3), mandible ossification (4), marginal zone of cerebral vesicle (1), masseter muscle (14), medial accessory olivary nucleus (18), medial basal segmental bronchus (2), medial condyle of tibia (16), medial cord of brachial plexus (1), medial epicondyle of femur (1), medial pectoral nerve (1), medial pterygoid muscle (8), medial segmental bronchus (2), medial ventricular eminence (diencephalon) (31), membranous part of interventricular septum (4), mesocolon (15), mesosigmoid (4), metacarpal 3 (11), metacarpophalangeal joint (3), metatarsal cartilage (11), muscularis of body of stomach (1), muscularis of pyloric antrum of stomach (2), muscularis of stomach (4), musculi pectinati in wall of left auricle (2), musculi pectinati in wall of right auricle (3), musculocutaneous nerve (3) |
N | nasal septal cartilage (23), neck of humerus (1) |
O | oculomotor nucleus (4), olfactory ventricle (3), optic canal (7) |
P | palm (3), papillary muscle (1), pectoralis minor muscle (11), plantar surface of right foot (3), popliteal artery (6), posterior basal segmental bronchus (2), posterior cerebellar artery (1), posterior cord of brachial plexus (1), posterior segmental bronchus (2), presumptive beginning of left brachiocephalic vein (1), presumptive left brachiocephalic vein (1), presumptive origin of left brachiocephalic vein (1), presumptive termination of left brachiocephalic vein (1), primordial sigmoid sinus (2), primordial transverse sinus (1), proximal phalynx of left digit 4 (ring finger) (1), pulmonary trunk bifurcation (2), pyloric sphincter (6) |
Q | quadriceps femoris muscle (9) |
R | radiocarpal joint (1), retina (1), rhomboid major muscle (13), rhomboid minor muscle (11), rhomboid muscle (1), right brachiocephalic vein (8), right naris (1), right pulmonary vein (2) |
S | sartorius muscle (14), scaphoid (5), scrotal swelling (17), semicircular duct (2), sensory decussation (9), septum spurium (1), shaft of humerus (2), shaft of penis (5), shaft of rib 12 (1), shaft of rib 4 (1), shoulder (1), sigmoid colon (8), sigmoid sinus (9), spine of scapula (6), sternum region (1), subcostal nerve (T-12 ventral primary ramus) (1), subcutaneous tissue (11), subscapularis muscle (13), sulcus dorsalis (41), superior mesenteric artery and vein (1), superior nasal concha (4), superior part of duodenum (4), superior part of duodenum (first part) (3), superior pole of right kidney (metanephros) (2), superior segmental bronchus (1), supra-orbital vein (1), supraspinatus muscle (8), suprasternal region (1), surface ectoderm of upper limb (1), sympathetic ganglion (1) |
T | T-11 rib head (1), tail of dorsal pancreas (3), tarsal cartilage(s) (12), tegmentum of pons (4), teres major muscle (6), testis (35), tip of cochlear duct (2), tip of tongue (4), transverse foramen (3), transverse pericardial sinus (4), trapezium (4), trapezoid (3), triceps brachii muscle (13), trigeminal nerve (CN V) (1), triquetrum (6), trochlea of humerus (4) |
U | ulna (41), upper lip (12), urinary bladder neck (1) |
V | vas deferens (mesonephric duct) (11), ventral funiculus (25), ventral median septum (13) |
W | wall of pyloric antrum of stomach (2), white matter (13) |