A | abductor digiti minimi muscle (2), acromioclavicular joint (4), adductor magnus muscle (4), anal sphincter (2), anterior rectus sheath (17), aponeurosis of external abdominal oblique muscle (4), approximate midpoint of herniated midgut (1), articularis genu muscle (1), artifact fold (1) |
B | biceps brachii tendon (2), body of pubis (2), brachial plexus cords (1), brachialis muscle (5), brachialis tendon (1) |
C | calcaneal tendon (9), calcaneum (8), cardiac orifice (2), carina (2), caudal edge of appendix (2), caudal edge of chin (1), caudal edge of distal limb of herniated midgut (1), caudal edge of lateral recess of rhombencoel (fourth ventricle) (1), caudal edge of left kidney (metanephros) (1), caudal edge of nose (1), caudal edge of right kidney (metanephros) (1), caudal edge of right umbilical artery (1), caudal edge of suprarenal gland cortex (1), caudal end of testis (1), caudal mesenchyme (4), caudal part of diencephalon (2), caudal part of laryngeal pharynx (1), caudal part of third ventricle (3), central tendon of heart (2), centrum of Co-1 vertebra (1), centrum of Co-2 vertebra (5), centrum of Co-3 vertebra (1), centrum of Co-4 vertebra (2), centrum of S-3 vertebra (2), centrum of S-4 vertebra (3), cephalic edge of ductus venosus (1), cephalic edge of duodenum (first part) (1), cephalic edge of endolymphatic sac (2), cephalic edge of hypothalamus (1), cephalic edge of kidney (metanephros) (2), cephalic edge of left hand (1), cephalic edge of left knee (1), cephalic edge of right knee (1), cephalic edge of right lung (1), cephalic edge of scrotal swelling (1), cerebral aqueduct of mesencephalon (2), chordae tendinae (1), coccygeus muscle (7), cochlear nucleus area (1), common crus of anterior and posterior semicircular ducts (1), common left pulmonary vein (1), common right pulmonary vein (1), conjunctival sac (5), coracobrachialis muscle (3), cortical plate (27), costal margin (18), costodiaphragmatic recess (5), costotransverse joint (6), crus of penis (3), cuboid (8), cuneiform 1 (2), cuneiform 2 (3), cuneiform 3 (4) |
D | decussation of medial lemniscus (1), dental lamina (1), digastric tendon (6), digit 1 (foot) (1), digit 2 (foot) (1), digit 3 (foot) (3), digit 5 (foot) (2), distal end of ulna (3), distal interphalangeal joint of digit 3 (middle finger) (2), distal phalynx of digit 2 (foot) (2), distal phalynx of left digit 1 (foot) (2), distal phalynx of left digit 3 (middle finger) (1), distal phalynx of left digit 5 (little finger) (2), distal phalynx of right digit 1 (foot) (1), distal radio-ulnar joint (1), dorsal interosseus muscle (1), dorsal median septum (22), dorsum of forearm (1), dorsum sellae (3), duodenal fold (2), dural venous plexus (1) |
E | edge of digit 1 (foot) (1), edge of elbow (2), edge of olfactory bulb (1), edge of penis (1), edge of roof plate of mesencephalon (2), edge of ulna (1), elbow (1), entrance of common pulmonary vein into left atrium (1), eparterial bronchus (1), epiphysis (2), epithelial lamina (1), epithelial plug (2), epithelial plug in left naris (1), extensor compartment of forearm (1), extensor digitorum brevis muscle (3), extensor digitorum communis muscle (1), extensor digitorum communis tendon (1), extensor digitorum longus muscle (7), extensor digitorum longus tendon (6), extensor hallucis longus muscle (5), extensor hallucis longus tendon (3), external abdominal oblique aponeurosis (1), extrapleural loose mesenchyme (1), eyeball (1) |
F | facial artery (1), facial colliculus (1), facial nerve genu (3), facial nerve tract (10), fibularis brevis muscle (3), fibularis brevis tendon (2), fibularis longus and fibularis brevis muscles (7), fibularis longus and fibularis brevis tendons (4), fibularis longus muscle (4), fibularis longus tendon (1), flexor compartment of forearm (1), flexor digitorum brevis muscle (3), flexor digitorum longus muscle (6), flexor digitorum longus tendon (8), flexor digitorum profundus tendon (1), flexor digitorum superficialis muscle (1), flexor digitorum superficialis tendon (1), flexor digitorum tendons (2), flexor hallucis brevis muscle (1), flexor hallucis longus muscle (4), flexor hallucis longus tendon (3), frontal edge of cerebral vesicle (hemisphere) (1), frontal nerve (1), fused paramesonephric ducts (3) |
G | gastric fold(s) (5), gastrocnemius muscle (1), gracilis muscle (10), gracilis tendon (1), greater sciatic foramen (2), greater trochanter of femur (5) |
H | habenular commissure (1), head of fibula (3), hilum of liver (1), horizontal palatine shelf (1), hyaloid cavity (1), hypoglossal nucleus (7), hypoglossus muscle (2), hypothenar eminence (2) |
I | iliopsoas tendon (1), incus (6), inferior belly of omohyoid muscle (2), inferior epigastric artery (3), inferior mesenteric vessels (2), inferior oblique muscle (1), inferior pubic ramus (2), inferior rectal branch of pudendal nerve (1), inferior rectus muscle (2), infraspinatus muscle (2), innermost intercostal muscle(s) (7), insula area of neopallium (1), insula of cerebral hemisphere (6), interdigital notch (2), intermediate phalynx of digit 2 (index finger) (2), intermediate phalynx of digit 3 (middle finger) (3), intermediate phalynx of left digit 2 (index finger) (1), intermediate phalynx of left digit 3 (middle finger) (1), internal capsule (13), internal intercostal muscle(s) (9), internal thoracic artery (2), intervertebral foramen (3), intrinsic tongue muscles (1), ischial tuberosity (3), isthmic canal (2), isthmic nucleus (1) |
J | jugular foramen (5), junction of centrum of Co-4 vertebra and filum terminale (1), junction of common bile duct and duodenum (1), junction of nasal septum and palatine shelf (1), junction of pharyngeal arch 1 cartilages (Meckel) (2), junction of sinus venosus of right atrium and superior vena cava (1), junction of splenic and superior mesenteric veins (1), junction of urethra and urethral groove (1) |
K | kidney cortex (metanephros) (1) |
L | L-3 dorsal primary ramus (1), L-5 / L-6 intervertebral disc (1), labiogingival lamina (1), lacrimal gland buds (2), lateral fasciculus (1), lateral head of triceps brachii muscle (2), lateral malleolus of fibula (3), lateral mass of C-1 vertebra (atlas) (3), lateral part of conjunctival sac (1), left common iliac vein (2), left digit 2 (index finger) (1), left gastric artery (1), left phrenic nerve (5), left recurrent laryngeal nerve (3), lesser omentum (3), ligament of head of femur (1), linea alba (18), long head of triceps brachii muscle (3), long saphenous vein (2), longissimus capitis muscle (2), longus cervicis and longus capitis muscles (1), lumbrical muscle (3) |
M | malleus (5), mamillothalamic tract (1), manubrium of sternum (4), maxilla (3), medial condyle of humerus (1), medial head of gastrocnemius muscle (5), medial head of triceps brachii muscle (1), medial junction of eyelids (1), medial longitudinal fasciculus (4), medial malleolus of tibia (4), medial part of knee joint (1), medulla oblongata (13), mesenchymal coat (1), metacarpophalangeal joint of digit 4 (ring finger) (4), metacarpophalangeal joint of left digit 5 (little finger) (1), metatarsal 1 (4), metatarsal 1 base (1), metatarsal 1 head (1), metatarsal 2 (3), metatarsal 3 (3), metatarsal 3 base (1), metatarsal 4 (5), metatarsal 4 base (1), metatarsal 5 (3), metatarsal 5 head (1), middle nasal concha (3), middle part of upper lip (2), middle phalynx (1), motor nucleus of facial nerve (2), multifidus muscle (9) |
N | nasal capsule cartilage (7), navicular (5), neck of femur (1), neopallial cortex (3), neural arch of T-1 vertebra (3), neural arch of T-8 vertebra (1), nucleus cuneatus (4), nucleus gracilis (4) |
O | obliquus capitis inferior muscle (2), obliquus capitis superior muscle (4), obturator canal (1), obturator externus muscle (2), obturator foramen (1), obturator internus muscle (4), oculomotor nerve tract (8), ophthalmic nerve with ciliary ganglion (CN V₁) (1), optic tract (6) |
P | palatal process of maxilla (1), palatine bone (1), palmar surface of left hand (1), parotid duct (5), parotid gland (3), pectineus muscle (2), pedicle of T-10 vertebra (1), pedicle of T-8 vertebra (2), pelvic ganglia (2), pineal recess (1), pisiform (1), plantar interosseus muscle (3), plantar side of foot (1), plantaris muscle (1), popliteal fossa (3), posterior arch of C-1 vertebra (atlas) (7), posterior arch of C-2 vertebra (axis) (5), posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid muscles (2), posterior commissure (7), posterior commissure (diencephalon) (1), posterior funiculus (1), posterior rectus sheath (5), profundus muscle (1), proximal end of ulna (1), proximal interphalangeal joint of digit 2 (2), proximal interphalangeal joint of digit 3 (middle finger) (2), proximal metacarpophalangeal joint (1), proximal phalynx (hand) (1), proximal phalynx of digit 1 (foot) (4), proximal phalynx of digit 3 (middle finger) (2), proximal phalynx of digit 5 (foot) (1), proximal phalynx of left digit 5 (little finger) (1), pyriform cortex (2) |
Q | quadratus plantae muscle (2), quadriceps femoris tendon (6) |
R | rectum lumen (1), rectus capitis posterior major and minor muscles (1), rectus femoris muscle (8), red nucleus (5), residual lumen (2), rib tubercle (1), right common iliac vein (2), right crus of diaphragm (7), right digit 1 (thumb) (1), right digit 3 (middle finger) (1), right digit 5 (little finger) (1), right upper pulmonary vein (4), rim of optic cup (1) |
S | scleral condensation (1), secondary ostium (1), semimembranosus muscle (8), semitendinosus muscle (4), short head of biceps brachii muscle (2), sinus tubercle (1), soleus muscle (2), sphenoid (5), sphenopalatine ganglion (1), spiral ganglion (CN VIII) (2), stapedius muscle (2), stapes (2), sternal angle region (1), sternocostal muscle (5), styloglossus muscle (1), stylohyoid muscle (1), styloid process (4), styloid process of radius (1), styloid process of ulna (2), stylopharyngeus muscle (2), subcostal muscle (3), suboccipital nerve (C-I) (1), superior belly of omohyoid muscle (3), superior colliculus region (2), superior gluteal artery (1), superior ophthalmic vein (1), superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle (5), superior pubic ramus (3), superior rectus muscle (1), supra-optic commissure (1), supra-umbilical part of abdominal wall (2) |
T | T-12 dorsal primary ramus (1), T-12 rib (1), talus (7), tendon of subscapularis muscle (1), tensor fasciae latae muscle (1), teres minor muscle (2), terminal ventricle of central canal (2), thenar eminence (1), thoracolumbar fascia (6), tibialis anterior muscle (5), tibialis anterior tendon (4), tibialis posterior muscle (2), tip of coccyx (2), tip of digit 5 of left hand (little finger) (1), tip of left digit 1 (thumb) (1), tip of left digit 2 (index finger) (1), tip of left digit 3 (middle finger) (1), tip of nose (1), tip of toes (1), tongue raphe (1), tooth bud(s) (9), tract of abducens nerve (CN VI) (2), tract of vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII) (1), tractus solitarius (3), tractus solitarius nucleus (1), transverse dural sinus (2), transverse foramen of C-7 vertebra (1), transverse ligament (1), transverse process of C-1 vertebra (atlas) (1), transverse process of L-2 vertebra (1), transverse process of L-3 vertebra (1), transverse process of T-1 vertebra (3), transverse process of T-10 vertebra (1), transverse process of T-7 vertebra (2), transverse process of T-8 vertebra (2), transverse sulcus in floor of rhombencoel (fourth ventricle) (1), triceps brachii tendon (2), trochlear nerve decussation (1), trochlear nerve tract (2), trochlear nucleus (2), tubercle of rib 3 (1), tubercle of rib 6 (1), tubercle of rib 8 (2), tubercle of rib 9 (1), tuberosity (1) |
U | umbilical artery (1), urinary bladder muscularis (4) |
V | vagus and accessory nerves (CN X and CN XI) (1), vastus intermedius muscle (3), vastus lateralis muscle (6), vastus medialis muscle (5), venous anastomosis (1), ventral fasciculus (1), ventral median sulcus (3), ventricle (of brain) (1), ventricle of larynx (2), vestibular area (6), vestibular nucleus region (3), vitreous body (1), volar surface of digit 3 (middle finger) (1), volar surface of left digit 4 (ring finger) (1), volar surface of right digit 3 (middle finger) (1) |
X | xiphoid (4) |