A | abdominal wall (19), adenohypophysial pouch (22), alar plate missing (artifact) (1), alar plate of metencephalon (primordium of cerebellum) (4), alar plate of myelencephalon (32), alar plate(s) (197), allantois (143), amnion attachment (125), amnion on surface of umbilical cord (26), anal tubercle (5), anterior dural venous plexus (54), anterior interventricular groove (6), aorta (490), aortic arch 3 (21), aortic arch 4 (14), aortic bifurcation (27), aortic sac (29), apical ectodermal ridge (10), arytenoid swelling (12), atrioventricular groove (3) |
B | basal plate (179), basal plate of metencephalon (5), bile duct (17), bilobed thyroid gland (7), blastema of proximal humerus (1), blood cells in pericardial cavity (artifact) (1), brachial plexus (33) |
C | C-1 spinal ganglion (37), C-1 spinal nerve (20), C-1 ventral root (13), C-2 spinal ganglion (60), C-2 spinal nerve (9), C-2 ventral root (4), C-3 dorsal root (5), C-3 spinal ganglion (56), C-3 spinal nerve (14), C-3 ventral root (2), C-4 dorsal root (1), C-4 spinal ganglion (52), C-4 spinal nerve (16), C-4 ventral root (3), C-5 spinal ganglion (51), C-5 spinal nerve (16), C-6 dorsal root (2), C-6 spinal ganglion (51), C-6 spinal nerve (21), C-6 ventral root (2), C-7 spinal ganglion (51), C-7 spinal nerve (12), C-7 ventral ramus (2), C-8 spinal ganglion (49), C-8 spinal nerve (15), C-8 ventral ramus (1), C-8 ventral root (3), caudal edge of C-1 spinal ganglion (2), caudal edge of C-2 spinal ganglion (1), caudal edge of C-4 spinal ganglion (2), caudal edge of C-5 spinal ganglion (2), caudal edge of C-6 spinal ganglion (2), caudal edge of cochlear duct primordium (1), caudal edge of interventricular foramen (2), caudal edge of left atrium (5), caudal edge of left lobe of liver (8), caudal edge of left primary bronchus (1), caudal edge of left ventricle (9), caudal edge of liver (3), caudal edge of pericardial cavity (7), caudal edge of pharyngeal arch 2 (5), caudal edge of pharyngeal arch 3 (2), caudal edge of right atrium (6), caudal edge of right lung sac (1), caudal edge of right ventricle (5), caudal edge of sinus venosus (3), caudal edge of T-1 spinal ganglion (1), caudal edge of T-2 spinal ganglion (2), caudal eminence (109), caudal end of upper limb (8), caudal part of C-3 spinal ganglion (1), caudal part of C-8 spinal ganglion (1), caudal part of liver (1), caudal part of myelencephalon (1), caudal part of myelencephalon (rhombomere D) (1), caudal part of pericardial sac (1), caudal part of rhombencoel (fourth ventricle) (3), caudal part of right atrium (2), caudal part of septum transversum (1), caudal part of sinus venosus (1), caudal part of T-1 spinal ganglion (1), caudal part of T-3 spinal ganglion (2), cecum of midgut (3), celiac artery (10), cephalic edge of C-1 spinal ganglion (4), cephalic edge of C-2 spinal ganglion (5), cephalic edge of C-3 spinal ganglion (2), cephalic edge of C-4 spinal ganglion (2), cephalic edge of C-8 spinal ganglion (1), cephalic edge of lateral lingual swelling of tongue (1), cephalic edge of left ventricle (5), cephalic edge of liver (7), cephalic edge of lower limb (6), cephalic edge of metanephric cap (2), cephalic edge of metanephric diverticulum (1), cephalic edge of pericardial cavity (6), cephalic edge of pharynx (6), cephalic edge of roof plate of rhombencephalon (2), cephalic edge of shoulder region (1), cephalic edge of sinus venosus (1), cephalic edge of superior ganglion of vagus nerve (CN X) (1), cephalic edge of T-1 spinal ganglion (1), cephalic edge of T-3 spinal ganglion (2), cephalic edge of trigeminal ganglion (CN V) (3), cephalic edge of vestibular part of otic vesicle (2), cephalic edge of vestibulocochlear / geniculate ganglia (1), cephalic end of gonadal ridge (1), cephalic end of mesonephros (4), cephalic end of notochord (5), cephalic part of notochord (1), cephalic part of shoulder region (1), cephalic part of superior ganglion of vagus nerve (CN X) (1), cephalic part of T-2 spinal ganglion (1), cephalic part of T-4 spinal ganglion (1), cephalic recess of lesser sac (omental bursa) (5), cerebral primordium (vesicle) (7), cervical plexus (17), cervical sinus (14), chiasmatic plate (5), cloaca (36), cloacal membrane (24), Co-1 spinal ganglion (18), coccygeal somites (6), cochlear duct primordium (1), commissural plate (2), common atrioventricular canal (10), common iliac artery (11), common pulmonary vein (6), common umbilical vein (34), conotruncal ridge(s) (3), continuity of aorta (1), continuity of caudal and cephalic parts of mesonephric duct (2), continuity of neural canal (1), continuity of neural tube (2), continuity of postcardinal vein (2), conus cordis (outflow tract) (8), corneal epithelium (6), corpus striatum (17) |
D | dense caudal part of sclerotome (32), dermatome (30), dermatomyotome (19), diencephalon (49), diencoel (third ventricle) (14), distal limb of midgut loop (3), distal part of stomach (1), dorsal aorta (327), dorsal atrioventricular endocardial cushion (3), dorsal mesentery (53), dorsal meso-esophagus (34), dorsal mesogastrium (57), dorsal pancreas (13), dorsal root(s) (22), dorsal thalamus (124), ductus venosus (126), duodenum (80) |
E | ectoderm (17), edge of adenohypophysial pouch (1), edge of aorta (2), edge of cerebral primordium (vesicle) (1), edge of diencephalon (7), edge of diencoel (third ventricle) (1), edge of endolymphatic duct (6), edge of frontal prominence (9), edge of hindgut (1), edge of left atrium (6), edge of left umbilical vein (1), edge of lens vesicle (4), edge of mandibular prominence of pharyngeal arch 1 (2), edge of metencephalon (5), edge of optic cup (7), edge of optic stalk (CN II) (7), edge of peritoneal cavity (11), edge of right atrium (4), edge of telencephalon (1), endocardial tissue (1), endolymphatic duct part of otic vesicle (2), epipharyngeal placode (3), epiploic foramen (8), epithalamus (36), epithelium of larynx (1), esophagus primordium (24), external iliac artery (9), external layer of optic cup (4) |
F | floor plate (103), foramen cecum of tongue (6), frontal prominence (36), fused basilar artery (1) |
G | gall bladder primordium (3), geniculate and vestibulocochlear ganglia (CN VII and CN VIII) (3), geniculate ganglion (CN VII) (19), genital tubercle (10), glomerular capsule (2), glomerulus (8), gonadal epithelium (10), gonadal ridge (58) |
H | head mesenchyme (224), hepatic duct(s) (7), hepatic sinusoid (35), hindgut (125), hip region (6), hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) (78), hypopharyngeal eminence of tongue (10), hypothalamic sulcus (85), hypothalamus (98) |
I | inferior ganglion of glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) (23), inferior ganglion of vagus nerve (CN X) (48), inferior mesenteric artery (25), inferior vena cava (181), intermediate zone (192), internal carotid artery (112), internal iliac artery (11), internal layer of optic cup (4), intersegmental groove (6), interventricular foramen (73), interventricular septum (11), intraretinal space (optic vesicle cavity) (68), involuting right umbilical vein (20), isthmus of rhombencephalon (43) |
J | junction of accessory and vagus nerves (CN XI and CN X) (1), junction of allantois and cloaca (2), junction of aortic sac and pulmonary arch (1), junction of basilar artery and vertebral arteries (5), junction of bile duct and hepatic ducts (1), junction of brain and spinal cord (11), junction of cloaca and hindgut (2), junction of cloaca and mesonephric duct (6), junction of collecting tubule and mesonephric duct (1), junction of diencephalon and mesencephalon (6), junction of diencoel (third ventricle) and mesencoel (1), junction of dorsal aorta and dorsal intersegmental artery (1), junction of dorsal aorta and internal carotid artery (1), junction of dorsal aortas (5), junction of ductus venosus and inferior vena cava (4), junction of ductus venosus and left umbilical vein (2), junction of duodenum and hepatic duct (1), junction of duodenum and stomach (5), junction of endolymphatic duct and vestibular part of otic vesicle (5), junction of esophagus and stomach (10), junction of hindgut and midgut (8), junction of isthmus and mesencephalon (1), junction of lateral and medial nasal prominences (9), junction of left common cardinal vein and sinus venosus (4), junction of lower limb and pelvic region (2), junction of marginal zone and T-11 spinal ganglion (1), junction of maxillary and medial nasal prominences (6), junction of mesonephric duct and metanephric diverticulum (5), junction of mesonephric duct and tubule (7), junction of metencephalon and root of trigeminal nerve (CN V) (1), junction of pericardial sac and umbilical cord (1), junction of peritoneal cavity and umbilical coelom (5), junction of precardinal and primary head veins (8), junction of primary head vein and stem of anterior dural venous plexus (1), junction of right common cardinal vein and sinus venosus (2), junction of umbilical cord and ventral body wall (2) |
L | L-1 body segment (3), L-1 spinal ganglion (52), L-2 spinal ganglion (62), L-3 spinal ganglion (65), L-4 / L-5 interganglion region (1), L-4 spinal ganglion (50), L-5 / S-1 interganglion region (2), L-5 spinal ganglion (53), lamina terminalis (16), laryngeal condensation (18), lateral lingual swelling of tongue (18), lateral nasal prominence (26), lateral ventricle (163), left atrium (172), left common cardinal vein (26), left common iliac artery (38), left hepatic vein (7), left lobe of liver (203), left lung sac (4), left postcardinal vein (4), left precardinal vein (10), left primary bronchus (23), left umbilical artery (248), left umbilical vein (134), left venous valve (18), left ventricle (148), lens pit (2), lens vesicle (10), lesser sac (10), limb mesenchyme (4), liver (31), loose cephalic part of sclerotome (16), lower limb (27) |
M | mamillary recess (15), mamillary region (5), mammary crest (10), mandibular prominence of pharyngeal arch 1 (57), marginal vein (80), marginal zone (185), maxillary nerve (CN V₂) (34), maxillary prominence of pharyngeal arch 1 (62), maxillary venous plexus (14), medial nasal prominence(s) (30), median mandibular groove (19), mesencephalon (54), mesencephalon (M1) (29), mesencephalon (M2) (49), mesencoel (16), mesencoel (cerebral aqueduct) (63), mesocardium (34), mesonephric artery (6), mesonephric duct (197), mesonephric tubule(s) (16), mesonephric vesicle(s) (49), mesonephros (52), mesothelium (18), metanephric cap (3), metanephric diverticulum (18), metencephalon (44), metencephalon (presumptive pons region) (2), middle dural venous plexus (17), midgut (137), midgut loop (9), mucoid connective tissue (14), myelencephalon (44), myelencephalon (caudal part of rhombencephalon) (1), myelencephalon (rhombomere D) (2), myotome (44) |
N | nasal capsule (16), nasal disc (olfactory placode) (29), nasal pit (4), neural arch primordium (12), neural canal (54), neural tube (95), notochord (501) |
O | olfactory area (8), omphalomesenteric (superior mesenteric) vein (11), omphalomesenteric vein (1), ophthalmic nerve (CN V₁) (29), optic cup (4), optic groove (23), optic stalk (CN II) (23), optic stalk lumen (CN II) (8), oral cavity (37), oral fissure (32), origin of dorsal intersegmental artery (6), origin of left common cardinal vein (1), origin of mesonephric artery (1), origin of right common cardinal vein (1), otic capsule (20) |
P | parachordal condensation (12), pericardial cavity (266), pericardial sac (38), pericardioperitoneal canal (pleural cavity) (29), peritoneal cavity (251), pharyngeal arch 1 (18), pharyngeal arch 2 (36), pharyngeal arch 3 (21), pharyngeal arch 4 (10), pharyngeal groove 1 (50), pharyngeal groove 2 (9), pharyngeal groove 3 (5), pharyngeal groove 4 (1), pharyngeal pouch 1 (46), pharyngeal pouch 2 (28), pharyngeal pouch 3 (13), pharyngeal pouch 4 (13), pharynx (30), pleuropericardial membrane (15), pleuroperitoneal canal (pleural cavity) (1), pontine flexure region (4), post anal gut (12), postcardinal vein (224), posterior cerebral artery (34), posterior communicating artery (62), posterior dural venous plexus (42), posterior interventricular groove (3), posterior interventricular sulcus (4), precardinal vein (144), presumptive laryngeal pharynx (1), presumptive nasopharynx (2), pretectum (5), primary head vein (62), primary interatrial foramen (foramen primum) (11), primary interatrial septum (septum primum) (47), primary maxillary vein (1), primordial maxillary vein (7), proximal limb of midgut loop (2), pulmonary arch (7), pulmonary pit (1) |
R | region of cervical flexure (18), region of mesencephalic (cephalic) flexure (30), retinal fissure (4), rhombencoel (fourth ventricle) (265), rhombomere 1 (20), rhombomere 2 (40), rhombomere 3 (26), rhombomere 4 (42), rhombomere 5 (36), rhombomere 6 (40), rhombomere 7 (18), right atrium (192), right common cardinal vein (8), right common iliac artery (26), right hepatic vein (7), right lobe of liver (224), right lung sac (8), right postcardinal vein (4), right precardinal vein (9), right primary bronchus (23), right umbilical artery (217), right venous valve (20), right ventricle (100), roof plate (249), roof plate missing (artifact) (2), roof plate of metencephalon (11), roof plate of myelencephalon (25), roof plate of neural tube (5), roof plate of rhombencephalon (67), root of hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) (39) |
S | S-1 / S-2 interganglion region (3), S-1 spinal ganglion (57), S-2 spinal ganglion (54), S-3 / S-4 interganglion region (2), S-3 spinal ganglion (41), S-4 / S-5 interganglion region (2), S-4 spinal ganglion (32), S-5 / Co-1 interganglion region (2), S-5 spinal ganglion (23), sclerotome (117), separation artifact (10), septum transversum (69), shoulder region (11), sinus venosus (89), somite remnant (3), spinal accessory nerve (CN XI) (103), spinal cord (22), splanchnic mesenchyme (2), spleen primordium (7), stem of anterior dural venous plexus (9), stem of middle dural venous plexus (4), stem of posterior dural venous plexus (9), stomach (20), sulcus limitans (276), sulcus medius (19), superior ganglion of glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) (17), superior ganglion of vagus nerve (CN X) (31), superior mesenteric artery (82), surface ectoderm (351), surface epithelium (3), synencephalon (9) |
T | T-1 spinal ganglion (45), T-10 body segment (3), T-10 spinal ganglion (44), T-11 body segment (1), T-11 dermatome (1), T-11 spinal ganglion (43), T-12 body segment (4), T-12 dermatome (1), T-12 spinal ganglion (49), T-2 spinal ganglion (36), T-3 spinal ganglion (41), T-4 spinal ganglion (44), T-5 spinal ganglion (42), T-6 body segment (3), T-6 spinal ganglion (47), T-7 body segment (4), T-7 spinal ganglion (42), T-8 body segment (4), T-8 spinal ganglion (44), T-9 body segment (4), T-9 spinal ganglion (44), tectum of mesencephalon (27), tegmentum of mesencephalon (19), telencephalon (8), telencephalon medium (23), thyroglossal duct (11), tip of caudal eminence (2), tissue fracture (artifact) (3), trabecular part of left ventricle (28), trabecular part of right ventricle (31), trachea (70), tracheal bifurcation (13), transverse rhombencephalic sulcus (6), trigeminal ganglion (CN V) (47), truncus arteriosus (outflow tract) (14), tuberculum impar (4), tuberculum impar of tongue (4) |
U | ultimopharyngeal pouch (14), umbilical coelom (137), umbilical cord (121), unfused basilar artery (2), upper limb (40) |
V | ventral atrioventricular endocardial cushion (5), ventral body wall (9), ventral edge of rhombencoel (fourth ventricle) (1), ventral mesogastrium (7), ventral pancreas (9), ventral part of rhombencoel (fourth ventricle) (1), ventral root (18), ventral thalamus (108), ventricular zone (185), vertebral artery (105), vestibular part of otic vesicle (19), vestibulocochlear ganglion (CN VIII) (14) |